Monday, September 13, 2010

Can I Get a Smile Here?

I did something I never do today.

I quit a job on the first day.

I wasn't going to. I mean I hated my new job. All of the people there were so crabby. There was a shop cat and even he was crabby. He got yelled at for drinking out of the toilet and the water buckets.

I knew exactly how he felt. I got snapped at for far smaller sins all day.

I mean, is it so hard to just explain in a nice voice how you would like things done? I am a flexible chick, I can change the way I do things.

Still, I was going to go back tomorrow. It might get better, I thought. It is possible I can cheer the whole place up.

But then I started thinking: "Why is that my job all the time, to try to make everybody happy?"

It would be a nice change of pace if people were worried about making me happy.

Then my very good friend, who always makes me happy, suggested that I didn't HAVE to go back for more punishment tomorrow. He pointed out that I have not given notice at my other job. I could just go back to the job that isn't perfect, but where my boss treats me with kindness and sometimes buys me a fruit and yogurt cup from McDonalds just to be nice.

So that's what I have DECIDED to do. For now.


  1. Definitely their loss since they had no clue what a treasure they had found by hiring you. A very wise decision!

  2. Hi Dahlia,

    Your new nickname, by the way...wanna know why? Kind of obvious really...much like the flower, the outer beauty is a no brainer but it's the inner beauty that people too often miss. That floors me! How could people miss that about you?? These chowderheads had an entire day with you and blew it - agh!!

    Not sure if cross-blog posts is a protocol violation but somehow I missed your Dahlia blog. No way on letting anything or anyone stifle your big ideas...hell, you've got floral entrepreneur written all over you! And when the right situation presents itself - lookout because it's going to be amazing (like you)!

    Be well Dahlia... :))

  3. I've never had a nickname and I like it VERY MUCH!
