Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sugar really does help

So yesterday I had to run a check to the university where Mr. Nice Guy goes to school. Seems the X "forgot" to pay his tuition, and all of his classes would be dropped by the end of the day if a large installment was not paid. So I drove a half hour to the college and signed my life away.
Back in the car on the way to get some unneeded matching notebooks and folders for my youngest child to start school with, I listened to a voice mail from the auto body shop where I had left kid number three's car to have some inexpensive work done on the muffler. Turns out the brakes and exhaust were bad to the tune of about a thousand bucks.
Now normally this would cause me to have a breakdown. But over the last year I have had to put out a lot of fires, financial and otherwise, and instead of having to go out and do some major retail therapy to get myself back happy, I have discovered a much cheaper mood-altering substance: SUGAR.
Yesterday it was a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate from Dairy Queen. Not only was it yummy, but it brought me back to the days of my youth when my biggest problem was a brain freeze caused by a Mister Misty from the local DQ in good old Sioux Falls South Dakota.
It turns out I am not the only one using sugar to bring me out of the doldrums. My friend got in a fight with his daughter yesterday and confessed that he made himself feel better by eating a muffin. "A muffin is really just a cake in disguise," he said. True that, and you know, I don't feel so guilty because that ice cream was once just a harmless glass of milk.


  1. Those chocolate-dipped vanilla "soft ice cream" cones are just the best, aren't they? I used to get those in high school, although it was Tastee-Freeze, not DQ.

    But they do pack it on - you don't want to trade one kind of excess baggage for another!

    Although from the looks of your upper arm definition, that doesn't look like an issue - probably all that weeding.....and moving.....and de-crapping.

  2. HAHAHA. The best part about those DQ cones is the chocolate. I think it's probably full of wax and other bad stuff and not "good for you", but I've been known to ask for double-dipping and throw away most of the ice cream to get that topping. YUM!

  3. And what kind of supplement would THAT be? I love that my extermely healthy sister also goes for the chocolate dip - in fact, a double-dip, which I have never done.....but will now, because I had never heard of it until now.
